The Plough

 Characters: A Sage, three pupils, Farmer, King

Once upon a time, there lived a sage by the name of Manikantha. He lived in an ashram on the banks of the river, Kaveri. He used to teach students who were the heirs of royalty, farmers, merchants, and people of other guilds. At that time king, Ramana ruled Kerela and the northern part of Tamilnadu. He had three sons, Prince Tanaka, Karu, and Kulya. They were very talented in warfare but they had no intelligence. Their father was worried about the future of the kingdom in his son's hands. Hence he asked the sage to teach his sons regarding wisdom and kingship. 

The sage agreed and started teaching the princes. They were not familiar with that kind of environment. Hence it took them a lot of time to get used to life in the ashram. They were very quick learners, hence they learned the epics like the Vedas and Upanishads in no time. The sage then moved to advanced concepts like Physics, Ayurveda, Law, and debating. Within 3 years the princes mastered the arts. They were very intelligent and knowledgeable. Soon the eldest was crowned king, the second sibling was made the head courtier and the third was the commander-in-chief. The kingdom prospered under their rule. 

One day a farmer came to the court and said that his land was very hard and rocky, hence he could not saw the seeds. He asked the king for a suggestion. The commander-in-chief of the army dug holes deep and in proper space for the farmer. The farmer said that since the cost of the labor was high, it was causing him a loss. The courtier gave him seeds that could be sown in his type of land. The farmer said that this crop did not give him much profit and disagreed. The king spent the entire night building an appropriate tool that could help the farmers of his kingdom. The next day he presented his creation to the farmer. The king called this tool as Plough. He said that this tool could be used to loosen and turn the soil. It would also bring the nutrient-rich layer of soil to the top. It would encourage the growth of earthworms and friendly microbes that increases the nutrient content of the soil. The insects that ruin the crops, when exposed to sunlight to cause them to die. It also allows the roots to penetrate deep into the soil. Circulation of water increases in the soil because of this system. 

The plough could be moved by man or it could be tied to cattle and then made to move. It is made up of wood. The farmer said that it would suit the purpose of all farmers in the world because of whom people have their food. Then with a bright flash of light, instead of the farmer, there was God. God was so impressed by the king that he titled the king as An entity of great wisdom, he also granted the boon that the king's land would be prosperous and free from diseases.


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