Women Empowerment

Women constitute half the power and brains around the world; to make the world perfect, women's empowerment is necessary. Although there are laws on women empowerment, execution to the fullest to reach the grass-roots is completely lacking. Women give birth to children who become the next generation of man's successes and contributions. Women live with many burdens and numerous untold fears. They carry the burden of neglect and discrimination, household work, looking after siblings, and work outside the home. As growing girls, they live with the fear of not getting adequate attention, care, nourishment, medical attention, and education. The ancient and medieval periods portrayed women being abused for their various rights. The modern period is now recovering from the mistakes of their ancestors. Women are now allowed an education, voting which has eventually helped them flourish with flying colors in all fields holding top positions.

A woman's health is to be given the utmost priority. Lakhs of women die every year due to diseases and body changes. Various countries like Singapore are offering free health care to help women. The main problem is that the countries with a poor economy are not able to accommodate better technologies, needs, and facilities for medical use. NGOs play a vital role in improving women’s health by partnering with the government and building strong communities. NGOs are more agile in accomplishing development goals because they can reach the most vulnerable & much-needed people in a community and find innovative solutions to complex problems. An example of one such NGO is the Women's Health Foundation which educates and advocates for women's health issues in Uganda focussing on sexual reproductive health, HIV awareness, and male involvement in women's health.

The Government of India is implementing several programs, for improving access to employment, education, health, infrastructure development, urban development, etc. Most of these initiatives have an incredible impact on women towards their needs and priorities considering their life experiences. Governments around the world have taken many steps in women's empowerment by promoting women's education, skill development, and employment, giving chief importance to eliminate poverty, illiteracy, and ill-health among women. Eliminating practices that discriminate against women; assisting women to establish and realize their full potential as well as rights. They have also ensured equal pay for equal work.

Instilling gender sensitivity among youth is absolutely essential. Schools can play an important role in inculcating gender sensitivity in the etiquettes and manners of the students. It is necessary to create a gender-responsive school in which the surrounding community takes into account the specific needs of girls and boys. In classrooms teachers inculcate gender sensitivity by addressing and calling girls and boys equally, mixing groups for activities and games, switching roles for breaking down gender barriers and stereotyping, and planning and conducting activities that allow all children to accept one another as equals.
Governments have started taking initiatives regarding gender concerns in the curriculum and in the textbooks drawn up various brands.

The feminist movement has effected change in Western society, including women’s suffrage, greater access to education, more equitable pay with men, and the right to initiate divorce proceedings. The women's movement gave rise to a feminist critique of psychological theory, research, and practice and to the development of new approaches in these areas. Feminist psychology is a form of critical psychology: it interrogates the moral, political, and scientific claims of psychology and attempts to influence the directions of the discipline. Feminism is right as they stand for the equality of women in a community.

The Defence Department announced that they will open more military job opportunities to women. But more jobs still inclined to men. Traditional attitudes make many people uncomfortable with the idea of women fighting.
One of the major reasons why women can't serve in the military is the need for separate sleeping quarters. But now, women are no longer excluded from any military role. 

Workplace Gender discrimination is when an employee is treated unequally based on their sex or gender. Some examples of treatment that could be gender discrimination include not being hired or being given a lower-paying position, being evaluated more harshly because of your sex. Many countries have passed laws against discrimination that provide stronger protection and provides a healthy working conditions. Your employer is required by law to provide a safe working environment that is not “hostile” to you based on your sex or gender identity.

Gender wage gaps directly contribute to income inequality, and higher gaps in labor force participation rates between men and women result in inequality of earnings between sexes, thus creating and exacerbating income inequality. Causes of gender inequality are Uneven access to education, Poor medical care, Racism, etc.
Gender inequality affects everyone, including men. Stereotypes or 'rules' about how women and men, girls, and boys should behave during childhood and follow us from childhood t to adulthood. Effects of gender inequality are an increase in social and health problems, lower rates of social goods, lower satisfaction and happiness among families, and a lower level of economic growth.

Women are equal and above men in society. They are the backbone of a prosperous nation. Half of the country’s population consists of women, and certainly deserve equal importance and rights in society. A woman can achieve anything and their capabilities should not be underestimated based on their gender. Most of the time their efforts are overlooked, and they are never praised for the things they do. People assume these works as their duties and consider them as a slave. Let’s take time to appreciate all those vacation-less class - i.e. mothers or wives for all their round-the-clock toil with unconditional love to send us out to enjoy the world around.
Women empowerment has now been sowed all over the world and now their efforts are bearing fruit.


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