Dinosaur Rescue - Story Review

There was bookstall in my school and I bought the Dinosaur Rescue book. It was a story about a small boy named Arg, his best friend Sholk, his sister Hrg and the Skeet T-wreck-asaurus (a dinosaur).

Arg's sister hrg was always having evil dreams and always did pranks purposely. She threw the gyser stink bug on old people and they used to bang their faces to make the smell go away.

One day Arg saw Skeet, who was waving his hands tiny hands to make Arg pay his attention. Then Skeet said the problem to Arg that we need to save another dinosaur named 'Diplo-Dizzydocus' from the Grogllgrox, the hungry blood thirsty cave man. They both went to the valley, killed the Grogllgrox and saved Diplo Dizzydocus.

It is an exciting story and I enjoyed reading it.


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